Brand Case Study #3

Marketing is not always about tactics and strategies to connect with target customers. There is a dimension to marketing that starts with the brands personality. There has to be a conscious effort to develop own personal branding. And there is no finer example to quote here other than Barrack Obama's.

Obama and his team was not just effectively building a distinct personal image, but they were trying to identify and influence the way in which people perceive other people.
New trends in personal branding talks about a effective positioning that manages the perceptions how others perceive you when they hear something about you.

Social media has given several positive strokes to personal branding when it comes to talking to your target audience and engaging with them. But, it has made the task of managing personal branding a complex task. The sheer number of platforms in itself is complex in terms of the its working algorithms. Then there is the case of consistency when it comes to communication across these platforms.
Simply put, you cannot have different versions of the same news in Facebook and Twitter. When Twitter limits you to a certain number of words, you must be tactful enough to work around it. This is exactly what Obama and his team has done successfully.

The success story of Obama's personal branding does not end here, its only the beginning. Look at how well he has worked with influencer's like comedian Jerry Seinfeld for his new series "Comedians in cars getting coffee"

And it is not limited to just the aged people. Here is a picture of Obama pretending to be caught by a kid dressed in Spider man costume who was trick-or-treating at the Oval office.

And here is a picture of Obama paying homage to brave American soldiers who have given their lives for the greater good of the country. Connecting with the emotions of the families who has suffered this great loss.

Keeping his word and following it up with actions. Here is a picture that went viral quoting Obama's authenticity and commitment to the people who were waiting for a long time to listen to his campaign address.
Images, views, thoughts, tweets, blogs, posts and what not. Every single possibility has been used to its fullest potential by Obama and what makes his efforts fruitful is that he had a team working with his always. So its a concerted effort, something which can be used as a case study for budding personal branding enthusiasts.
But there is one defining characteristic of the Barrack Obama branding. Any guesses?
Here is another hint

Well its simple. Its IMAGES. Images speak a thousand words and conveys a lots of emotions and its not as difficult to decipher when compared to a couple of words.
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