Employees want managers who are leaders. Managers who will inspire them, who are fair and will stand up for their team.
From what I've seen through out my career and from that of my friends and peers, I've come to realize that most folks leave their jobs because of unhealthy relationships with their immediate superiors or managers and not necessarily because of the jobs as such.
Here is my attempt to classify a few such so called "bad managers" and the aforementioned unhealthy interplay in relationship's,
1. The Puppet: There are a bunch of manager who have a genuine fear of loosing their jobs and their insecurity makes them accept all sorts of top management pressure. They end up playing it safe to hold on to their jobs. Hence, they never stand up for their team and would never question the authority. Such folks treat employees as a means to an end and give them no value. On the flip-side, the employees who work for such managers lose their morale and passion for the job as well.
2. The Incredible Hulk: Some managers, once they climb the ladder and reach the top, almost immediately contract the relationship myopia. They forget their humble beginnings and the ones who helped them all throughout that journey. They develop a sense on invincibility and soon distance themselves from their team. They look down upon their team and make they feel terrible. Here too its the employee's self-respect that is questioned which leads to deterioration in morale.
3. The god-man: The most dangerous of the lot, they have absolutely no concern for colleagues and those around them. Juniors and even peers are used and reused like commodities. They take all the decisions, avoids any questioning and end up consuming all the credits as well. The employee's sense of being used reduces their morale as well as the team spirit. Some of the unanimous decisions made by the managers also go south and put the whole company in trouble. But of course, they take no responsibility for the same and make it look like a result of collective action.
4. The Task-joker: Such managers are a mix of taskmasters and jokers. These guys focus on work delivery. They continuously keep the employees on their toes and make them unhappy at work. The minute they sense that employee morale is on the fall, they create a few gimmicks and throw a drinking party or an office celebration in the hope of keeping the ship sailing. Such managers are literally a pain in the ass for all employees. I mean, they are constantly monitoring your every move rather than motivating and providing guidance so that one may deliver the work in an autonomous manner.
Here is my attempt to classify a few such so called "bad managers" and the aforementioned unhealthy interplay in relationship's,

1. The Puppet: There are a bunch of manager who have a genuine fear of loosing their jobs and their insecurity makes them accept all sorts of top management pressure. They end up playing it safe to hold on to their jobs. Hence, they never stand up for their team and would never question the authority. Such folks treat employees as a means to an end and give them no value. On the flip-side, the employees who work for such managers lose their morale and passion for the job as well.

2. The Incredible Hulk: Some managers, once they climb the ladder and reach the top, almost immediately contract the relationship myopia. They forget their humble beginnings and the ones who helped them all throughout that journey. They develop a sense on invincibility and soon distance themselves from their team. They look down upon their team and make they feel terrible. Here too its the employee's self-respect that is questioned which leads to deterioration in morale.

3. The god-man: The most dangerous of the lot, they have absolutely no concern for colleagues and those around them. Juniors and even peers are used and reused like commodities. They take all the decisions, avoids any questioning and end up consuming all the credits as well. The employee's sense of being used reduces their morale as well as the team spirit. Some of the unanimous decisions made by the managers also go south and put the whole company in trouble. But of course, they take no responsibility for the same and make it look like a result of collective action.

4. The Task-joker: Such managers are a mix of taskmasters and jokers. These guys focus on work delivery. They continuously keep the employees on their toes and make them unhappy at work. The minute they sense that employee morale is on the fall, they create a few gimmicks and throw a drinking party or an office celebration in the hope of keeping the ship sailing. Such managers are literally a pain in the ass for all employees. I mean, they are constantly monitoring your every move rather than motivating and providing guidance so that one may deliver the work in an autonomous manner.
Despite how good a job is, once you don't have a manager who will cover for you, you are done and dusted. A bad manager can make good employees so terrible that they lose all their motivation and enthusiasm. This is an ever-present in small companies. The name and legal status does very little when it comes to crafting the organisation culture. For that, the management of the company need to be humane and courteous. They should treat employees as talent and not as mere commodities. There should be a proper HR system in place which many of these entities leave out since its not mandated by law.
90% of the time, people do not leave their bad jobs, they leave bad managers. A manager creates fear ,uncomfortable work environment and makes work drudgery. I know of companies that do not even have designated washroom for its women employees. The management is so narrow-eyed that such matters are merely trivial to them. I would say that life is too short to be working 60 plus hours a week in constant stress and misery. 60 plus hours because in Kerala, in such companies, on an average employees work 10 hours/ per day, 6 days a week. So its long hours in a terrible working environment with shady managers for company.
The corporate is full of manager and lacks leaders. Leaders help in building employees and managers on the contrary pull employees down. Manager are constantly competing with their subordinates in the fear of losing out on their importance in the company. As per new research, a bad manager is likely to increase an employees risk of contracting a heart diseases than alcohol, smoking and junk food combined. The stress and anxiety caused by unfeasible targets, lack of support, unfair practices and threats of punishment adds to this.
You should never underestimate the impact of working in an unfavorable environment. It will spread to all areas of your life, especially your health and will surely degrade your social capital too. There are too many individuals in positions who abuse their power. This is why good employees quit. A culture of blaming, punishment, inflexibility and insensitivity only pushes people away.
On a positive note, if you have a good boss, appreciate them since they are capable of driving the organization and its talent including you to new heights.
A good boss is better than a good company. A good boss would discipline you, train you, develop you - Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO

On a positive note, if you have a good boss, appreciate them since they are capable of driving the organization and its talent including you to new heights.
A good boss is better than a good company. A good boss would discipline you, train you, develop you - Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO
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